Valentine s Day Clip Art and History

History: The Valentine's day is the Christian feast day of love and is celebrated on February 14th of each year. On this celebrating day, lovers exchange gifts, soft words, flowers and often of the rings of engagement.

Valentine's day such as it today is known is officially celebrated since 1969 whereas one added this date to the Christian calendar. Several habits and beliefs disappeared with time, but the love, tenderness and the fertility are still associated with this festival. Although the habits and the rites of the various times are not practiced any more today, several symbols and representations of the St. Valentine's day are still used.

Here's few nice website with of Valentines Clip art collection

Dragon printable coloring page

Dragon Coloring page. So your looking for some little nice Dragon. That's Fantastic! You know what? I like Dragon and I like to draw them too. Drawing Dragons is wonderful! Do you Know that Dragon are scaly green monster. In my dictionary Dragon are a mythical creature that has green scaly skin, wings, and a long tail, and breathes fire. That's awesome ! I wonder if they ever really existed It would have been interesting to have one in my backyard cause I really like and enjoy BBQ. hihi. Just kidding. Here's one I draw just for you, Enjoy! Dragon Coloring page. Just Print it. I wonder which color you will use? Happy Coloring! Get more information below about Dragons Legendary Creatures
dragon coloring pages

Dragons Legendary Creatures

The dragons’ legendary creatures have been around for many years, at least in the myths. Children love to hear about them and it is hard not to find a book or a game that revolves around them. This is a culture that goes beyond any geographical boundaries. The concept is the same and it is meant to interest the kids. You will hear about beautiful and ugly ones as well as good and bad dragons.

The plot flows in a way that the children are able to side with the protagonist and go against the antagonists in the story. These things have made the legendary creatures become an integral part of the children literature as well movies and games. You can use the creatures to pass some moral lessons to the young minds. They come out as creatures that can do better than human beings and are used to give a lot of advice to the young minds. Today, the best movie producers still use them to capture the attention of the kids and it works well. Some of these movies have become hits and are doing well. They teach the kids how to be good.