The Dragon - Legendary creature of power

The dragon is a mythical creature according to many regions but the common to all descriptions of the dragon legendary creature is the huge body like of a lizard that has two pairs of lizard like limbs and a mouth that emits a flame. In Europe the creature is said to have bat wings on its back. The other close dragons like creature is the wyvern; a dragon like creature but one that has no front leg and use its wings to walk. The dragon is said to be a monster in most cases, it is a reptile and thus reproduce by laying eggs. The dragons are sometimes depicted as guardians of treasure and thus their big eyes. In the origin of the word dragon in Greek, the world means to see clearly. In the Asian culture the dragon is depicted as a force of nature, religion and wisdom.

The dragon being depicted as a monster and a guardian is thus used in fantasy games that have a dragon legendary creature as either a protector of a treasure or as an enemy that is attacking. One can find the dragon games online or offline, online dragon games might be some of the best games that one can try out. They are both entertaining and fantasy games that on might play on a single player mode or a multiple player game depending on the structure of the game, and the design of the game.

For the urge to play games with the dragon legendary creature, one can surf the internet for the dragon games. One might find the game in both the free mode and the purchase mode too. For the ultimate experience one should look for a game that has high resolution and great graphics, a game with these features might be much expensive than the less graphical ones. 

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